School camp, By Caitlin and Maria

Every two years Gracefield School’s Year 5s and 6s head over to Brookfield Camp for the senior school camp. It's a highlight of every senior student’s time at school.

Camp activities

Camp is when you can connect with nature and be outdoors. You can also do lots of fun things, including rotations, which are fun activities that the teachers supervise. The six rotations this year were: 

  • the obstacle course

  • team trials

  • kayaking

  • stream studies

  • biking

  • news reporting. 

What people liked the most

We interviewed some of the students and one of the adults who went to camp. They told us that some of their favourite activities included the obstacle course, flying fox, trampoline, river, kayaking, team trials and biking. 

We also have some favourite things.

Maria liked the flying fox because at the end it goes really high and it felt like she was flying. She also liked it because we did races with the flying fox. 
Caitlin liked the kayaks because it was fun speeding around and trying to get unstuck when we crashed into the bank.

Cabin groups

An important part of camp was our cabin groups. These were the groups of people we slept with and sat with at meal times. Our cabin groups were made up of our friends. 

Everyday we had to make sure we kept our cabins tidy. There were inspections and if your group scored enough points everyone in your cabin group got a lolly. This was a great way to encourage us not to make a big mess. Sometimes people didn’t have enough time to tidy and didn’t get lollies. They were very sad about that. 

Our cabins were lots of fun - even when we got woken up by snorers! 

Camp meals

The meals were a highlight of our time at camp because the camp food was yummy. There were some great people preparing food in the kitchen - including Beba and Seema. 

The meals were a fun time to socialise with our cabin group and have some delicious and sometimes exotic food. People loved the ice-cream and jelly and some of us even tried lobster and cicada! Yum! (Or yuck!) 

Overall, everyone we asked said they loved camp. The people were nice, the activities were fun and we had lots of time to hang out with our friends. 

A big thank you to the people who helped out at camp; we had an awesome time.