At Gracefield School we believe that students respond to positive encouragement, but also need clear guidelines about behaviour. Our practices for positive behaviour are outlined below.


This will be awarded by the classroom teacher and will acknowledge children who are EPIC learners. It may be that a child has engaged well with their learning within a certain week or simply are EPIC. 

One child in each class will be the recipient of the EPIC LEARNER award and will receive a certificate in front of the whole school.  A photograph will be taken and this will be shared on Facebook and in the School Newsletter.  Each recipient will receive a juicie or lollipop at the assembly. 

EPIC Cards

EPIC cards will be given out to children displaying the EPIC values and those who have been caught in the act.  Teachers will give specific praise for the behaviour displayed.

All the cards will be put into the letterbox outside the school office and they will go into the prize draw to receive a juicie or lollipop during the assembly in recognition of showing the EPIC values.


The EPIC reward is a whole school reward for the EPIC cards collected. A target number of EPIC cards is shared with the children and when this milestone has been reached the whole school will participate in the reward. Updates of the number of EPIC cards is shared with the children and is displayed in the foyer of the School Office. Examples of rewards are, pool fun day, big day in, wheels day.

Learning the Values

Each term one of the values will be taught to the students and there will be a school wide focus on aspects of this value.  This will be broken down further in classroom discussions to things that the children can work on that demonstrate this value.  The focus will be shared with our community using Facebook and the School Newsletter.  Values will also be discussed at the School Assembly.